10. Local Planning

C2 L4 A07 Local Planning V4

Local Planning

What are the reasons you might choose to repeatedly search a local volume around your vehicle for a high-resolution, possibly 3D plan but only run your global planner once at low-resolution and potentially in 2D?

  • You can usually assume that your map of the environment is roughly correct and so can serve as a way to make a coarse plan from start to goal.
  • Environments change and even if your map was correct yesterday, it might not be today, so replanning over a local volume to check for unmapped obstacles may be necessary.
  • Dynamic obstacles, like other flying vehicles, may appear at any time so constant replanning over a local volume may be necessary.
  • Sensor errors or other factors like getting blown off course by wind may mean that the plan you made just a moment ago is no longer valid over the local volume, so you need to replan.